Not all homes afford the luxury of a dedicated dining area, this may be a shared area with an informal lounge ,a more casual eating zone in the kitchen, or even an outdoor space, but with a little careful planning with your interior design scheme you may be able to come up with an area where dining […]
Interior Design – Lighting Design Part Two
Lighting methods In order to produce great lighting schemes it is important to have an understanding of the balance between light and shade, and if used skilfully, can really articulate a design scheme, adding those ultimate, invisible flourishes, on the other hand, get it wrong and all that effort in your interior arrangement can be […]
Interior Design – Lighting Design Part One
Lamps and luminaires. In any interior scheme lighting design is probably the most difficult concept to understand so before we jump into the “How To” part let’s have a quick overview of some of the different type of lights that are available. Incandescent lamps: Tungsten GLS (general lighting service). This is the standard bulb in most table […]
Interior design – Decorative paint finishes
The use of colour and decorative paint finishes have been used in many ways over the centuries, in fact, when we decorate our homes we are continuing a tradition which dates back some thirty thousand years, when our earliest ancestors adorned their caves with paintings. Period houses were decorated with washes and simple paints made […]